Tax Day Considerations Lisa L. Coggins, Esq. With Tax Day upon us, many Americans have taken to various forms of both online and real-time window shopping bought and paid for with their impending refund check as a way to shake off the last remains of the winter doldrums. Considering that the average refund from last year was nearly $2,900, more than a few members of this group have dared to […]

The Elderly, Consumer Debt, & Financial Abuse (August 2016) By: Michael B. Joseph, Esquire Senior citizens, those 65 years old and older are increasingly burdened by alarming levels of consumer debt. Retirement and fixed income is insufficient to sustain the monthly expenses for many older adults. Some are unable to pay ongoing regular monthly expenses, costs of health care, and make payments on mortgages, auto loans, and credit cards. […]

47% of American Adults Living Paycheck to Paycheck James Gaspero, Jr., Esq. Ferry Joseph, P.A. According to a recent survey from the Federal Reserve Board, 47% of American adults said that they could not cover an emergency expense of $400 without having to sell a personal possession or borrow money. Though there have been multiple indicators evidencing this reality amongst a large swath of the population, it is still no […]