David J. Ferry, Jr., Esq. Ferry Joseph, P.A. Over the last year, we have provided insights into estate and trust matters concerning various celebrities and wealthy families on this blog. As a courtesy to those interested in seeing where things stand presently with these individuals, we are now offering updates on Tom Benson, Sumner Redstone, and Prince Rogers Nelson. When we first spoke of New Orleans Saints and Pelicans owner […]

Estate Planning for Baby Boomers and their Families David J. Ferry, Jr., Esq. Ferry Joseph, P.A. As the first entrants of the Baby Boomer generation, those born between 1946 and 1964, hit 70-years-of-age this year, estate planning decisions have become a hot topic of discussion not only for Boomers, but for their families as well. In particular, many members of this generation have shown an increased desire to ensure that […]

Battle Brewing over Prince’s Estate Thomas R. Riggs, Esq. Ferry Joseph, P.A. No matter your age or station in life, it is imperative that every person undertake proper estate planning. One needs to look no further than the exploits of the rich and famous for not just tabloid fodder, but for the difficulties an estate often encounters in the wake of an unexpected passing, especially when a will has not […]

Regina M. Matozzo, Esq. Ferry Joseph, P.A. New Orleans is often referred to as “The Big Easy”, but it has been anything but that as of late for the Benson family, arguably the most recognized name in New Orleans. The drama centers around Tom Benson, the family patriarch and owner of both of NOLA’s marquee professional sports teams. In January 2015, Mr. Benson announced that following his death, he intends […]
Sibling Rivalry: The Power of 11 USC Section 363(h)
Imagine siblings Eli and Peyton Manning, Serena and Venus Williams or the Property Brothers-Drew and Jonathan Scott fighting over property division. It is hard to imagine these celebrities fighting, but for others, it does happen. It is conflict that involves more than sibling rivalry, beyond teasing, or competition. These conflicts are fraught with ugliness when siblings are co-owners of property. In fact, often, when filing a bankruptcy case, debtors hold […]