On September 26 and 27, 2017, David J. Ferry, Jr., Esq. of Ferry Joseph, P.A. will participate in a panel entitled, the Court of Chancery: At the Human Level, at the Delaware Corporate Law Anniversary Symposium commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 1967 general revision of the Delaware General Corporation Law, the 225th anniversary of the establishment of the Delaware Court of Chancery and the 25th anniversary of the Delaware Limited […]

On January 1, 2015, Delaware’s new Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets and Digital Accounts statute (“FADADA”, 12 Del.C. § 5001 et.seq.) went into effect. This statute is meant to address the difficulties that fiduciaries—trustees, guardians, executors, powers of attorney, to name a few—face when attempting to handle digital assets and accounts in connection with the performance of their duties. Section 5002 of FADADA defines “digital accounts” and “digital assets” quite […]