Ferry Joseph Managing Director, Michael B. Joseph was recently recognized by the Judges of the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware and the Delaware Bankruptcy American Inn of Court for his 30 years of service as the standing Chapter 13 Trustee for the District of Delaware. Mr. Joseph was appointed as the Chapter 13 Trustee on May 1, 1987.

On September 26 and 27, 2017, David J. Ferry, Jr., Esq. of Ferry Joseph, P.A. will participate in a panel entitled, the Court of Chancery: At the Human Level, at the Delaware Corporate Law Anniversary Symposium commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 1967 general revision of the Delaware General Corporation Law, the 225th anniversary of the establishment of the Delaware Court of Chancery and the 25th anniversary of the Delaware Limited […]

The Battle Against Delaware Over Unclaimed Funds by Jordan A. Irazabal Legal Assistant Ferry Joseph, P.A. It should be no surprise to you that Delaware is the incorporation capital of the United States, the legal home to 65% of Fortune 500 companies. Because of this, Delaware sees a much larger share of unclaimed funds than most states, and now there’s a heated legal battle surrounding those funds, with Delaware at the […]

Using Doulas in End of Life Situations David J. Ferry, Jr., Esquire As Americans continue to live longer, end-of-life decisions have gained greater attention amongst the population. In particular, doula programs have become an increasingly popular choice for many families wishing to fulfill the requests of loved ones who desire to die in the comfort of their own homes, rather than in hospitals or nursing homes. The term “doulas” is […]

Tax Day Considerations Lisa L. Coggins, Esq. With Tax Day upon us, many Americans have taken to various forms of both online and real-time window shopping bought and paid for with their impending refund check as a way to shake off the last remains of the winter doldrums. Considering that the average refund from last year was nearly $2,900, more than a few members of this group have dared to […]