Edward F. Kafader has been accepted into AM Best’s Directory of Recommended Insurance Attorneys. Click here to visit AM Best’s website.

On July 1, 2011, CSO, Inc., a not-for-profit community service organization founded by Larry D. Sullivan, Esq., announced plans for the Commodore Center in North Saint Georges, Delaware.

Michael B. Joseph authors article entitled Chapter 13 Trustees Personal Security & Privacy in the National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees’ Quarterly magazine, January, 2011.

“Annual Worker’s Comp Seminar” sponsored by the Delaware State Bar Association Kristopher T. Starr, Esq. will be co-presenting a segment on the Role of the Functional Capacity Exam in Worker’s Comp Termination Cases in Wilmington, DE. Check back for further information about this CLE program.
Delaware Preferences: Successful Defense in a Recent Case
Sometimes people can be legitimately sued without any wrongdoing: Defendants find preference actions to be particularly objectionable. In these actions, the defendant did nothing wrong and is only being sued for the return of payments because they were made by a debtor in bankruptcy within the 90 days (or 1 year for insiders) preceding the bankruptcy filing. Bankruptcy preference actions brought against businesses after a customer files for bankruptcy can […]