On November 6, 2015, Lisa L. Coggins will present a segment on Why Limited Liability Companies in the continuing legal education seminar entitled “Limited Liability Companies > Capitalize on the Advantages of LLC’s” , sponsored by the National Business Institute in Wilmington, Delaware.

Congratulations to David J. Ferry, Jr. for being recognized as a Top Lawyer in the area of Elder Law by Delaware Today Magazine. Delaware Today’s Top Lawyers issue will be available in November, 2015.

Michael B. Joseph will be attending the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges in Miami September 24-30 as a member of the 2015 the Education Committee and who assisted in the organization of this year’s exciting program. He also is a member of the American College of Bankruptcy’s Pro Bono Committee that identifies and provides grants to bankruptcy related legal services programs throughout the United States. The ACB Pro Bono committee […]

Lisa L. Coggins, Esq. has been elected as the incoming Secretary/Treasurer of the Delaware Bankruptcy Inns of Court and will be working closely with Co-Presidents, Judge Walrath and Judge Silverstein and the other members of the Inn’s executive board on programming and other activities of the Delaware Bankruptcy Inns of Court.

Michael B. Joseph, Esq. will be participating in the NACTT Annual Seminar in Salt Lake City, Utah, July 1 – 4, 2015. On July 3, 2015, he will be part of a Judicial Roundtable where Bankruptcy judges from different jurisdictions will bring their experience and backgrounds to a panel discussion of Bankruptcy issues that affect law practices. The participants will be: Michael B. Joseph, Esq., Chapter 13 Standing Trustee for the District […]