On January 1, 2015, Delaware’s new Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets and Digital Accounts statute (“FADADA”, 12 Del.C. § 5001 et.seq.) went into effect. This statute is meant to address the difficulties that fiduciaries—trustees, guardians, executors, powers of attorney, to name a few—face when attempting to handle digital assets and accounts in connection with the performance of their duties. Section 5002 of FADADA defines “digital accounts” and “digital assets” quite […]

On April 1, 2016, David J. Ferry, Jr. will be presenting and moderating segments at the Delaware’s Small Firms & Solo Practitioners Conference: A Retreat for the Practitioner sponsored by the Delaware State Bar Association. The Conference will be held at the Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center in Rehoboth Beach, DE from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

On November 17, 2015, Michael B. Joseph will join the Honorable Judith H. Wizmur (ret.), Isabel C. Balboa and Patricia M. Mayer in presenting a panel entitled, Consumer Bankruptcy Best Practices: Representation, Limited Services, Withdrawing from Representation and Fee Issues at an Educational Seminar hosted by the American College of Bankruptcy Third Circuit Fellows and the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Conference. The seminar will feature two additional panels entitled, Equiatble Mootness – […]

On November 13, 2015, David J. Ferry, Jr. and Kristopher T. Starr will each present a segment in the continuing legal education seminar entitled “The Role of the Ad Litem Attorney in Chancery Court Guardianships” , sponsored by the Elder Law Section of the Delaware State Bar Association. Mr. Ferry will be part of a panel addressing contested guardianship proceedings. Mr. Starr will present on the role of the attorney ad litem. […]
Court of Chancery Issues Judgment Against Son Who Depleted Mother’s Retirement Account
By: Brian J. Ferry, Esq. Ferry Joseph, P.A. On October 14, 2015, Vice Chancellor Sam Glasscock III of the Court of Chancery issued a Memorandum Opinion in the matter of Korn v. Korn, C.A. No. 8266-VCG. In his Opinion, the Vice Chancellor issued a judgment in the amount of $401,000 against the Plaintiff, Richard J. Korn, for unauthorized distributions that were taken out of his mother’s Morgan Stanley […]