Ferry Joseph, P.A, is proud to announce that David J. Ferry, Jr. has been recognized as one of the 2016 Top Lawyers by Delaware Today magazine in the area of Elder Law. Ferry is a managing director and a founder of Ferry Joseph. In addition to elder law, Ferry handles matters in the areas of estate planning, estate and trust administration and litigation, guardianship, general litigation and mediation.
Ferry Joseph Attorneys, David J. Ferry, Jr., Lisa L. Coggins and Timothy S. Ferry, will discuss advance healthcare directives, durable powers of attorney and guardianship with a group at Brookdale White Chapel in Newark, Delaware on October 25, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

On November 9, 2016, Lisa L. Coggins will present segments on How to File an Estate in Probate Court and How to Prepare and File the Inventory in the legal educational seminar for paralegals entitled “The Probate Process From Start to Finish,” sponsored by the Institute for Paralegal Education in Wilmington, Delaware.

On September 19, 2016, Lisa L. Coggins will present segments on Handling Creditor Claims and Debt and Complex Issues in Estate Administration in the continuing legal education seminar entitled “Estate Administration from Start to Finish,” sponsored by the National Business Institute in Dover, Delaware.