Ferry Joseph Managing Director Michael B. Joseph will moderate a panel entitled “Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good Lawyers?” on Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at the Consumer Bankruptcy Program at the Hotel DuPont in Wilmington, Delaware. In addition to his role at Ferry Joseph, Mr. Joseph has been the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee for the District of Delaware since 1987.
By: Brian J. Ferry, Esq. Ferry Joseph, P.A. On October 14, 2015, Vice Chancellor Sam Glasscock III of the Court of Chancery issued a Memorandum Opinion in the matter of Korn v. Korn, C.A. No. 8266-VCG. In his Opinion, the Vice Chancellor issued a judgment in the amount of $401,000 against the Plaintiff, Richard J. Korn, for unauthorized distributions that were taken out of his mother’s Morgan Stanley […]
Chancery Court compels fiduciary to submit to an accounting under Durable Personal Powers of Attorney Act By: Regina M. Matozzo, Esq. Ferry Joseph, P.A. In an opinion issued on June 30, 2014, Master Abigail M. LeGrow held that the authority of an agent pursuant to a power of attorney begins at inception not incapacity and ordered a forensic accounting be conducted by a third party in Estate of Dean, 2014 […]
Estate planning is important for countless reasons. Most people understand the benefits of having a will or trust in place to direct the disposition of their assets upon their death. However, many people fail to think about is why it is so important to have an advanced health care directive and durable power of attorney in place long before they may ever need to be utilized. One of the most […]
Elder Law and the Power of Attorney
Comic-book icon Stan Lee is best known for playing a large role in creating some of today’s best-known cinematic superheroes, including Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Iron Man. Thanks in large part to his creative role in these endeavors, Lee has also amassed an estimated net worth of approximately $50 million. However, despite his fame and considerable worth, Lee has also allegedly been the victim of elder abuse and financial exploitation. […]